Quality, performance and exceptional service - that is the promise of MM grass seed
The demand and pressure placed on the modern day greenkeeper to produce the best possible playing surfaces continually grows.
In order to satisfy the needs of golfers today, it is of paramount importance to choose the best grass seed mixtures available. Seed quality, purity and vigour are the essential building blocks for success. Don’t compromise your plans and projects, choose seed from the MM range
Greens are often the focus of praise (or criticism!) at any club and are invariably what the whole course is judged on. Success will largely depend on the skill and expertise of the greenkeeper and their turf management practices. Correct grass seed selection and the desire for improvement are equally important.
The traditional chewings fescue/browntop bent mix, MM11 remains a popular choice in many cases and
can be used from spring to autumn. It is ideal for new constructions and overseeding existing swards. MM10 offers a slight variation; both mixtures are fine leaved, disease resistant and make good, dense putting surfaces.
Where it is difficult to maintain fescue in the sward or where levels of wear are greater, use MM9 - a three way browntop bent mixture in late summer/early autumn for best results. Maintenance requirements will be higher as it produces an aggressive growing, tight, dense sward for the ultimate surface.
For 'Links style' courses, sustainable golf or for early season overseeding, use MM8, or MM Coastal fescue mixtures, that provide excellent disease resistance, drought tolerance and minimal fertiliser requirements.
A mixture that is capable of both rapid establishment and fast recovery from divot scarring and high wear, is a valuable asset on any course. An all ryegrass blend, such as MM50, is the most practical solution. For large tees where play is less intense, MM22 is a great choice. Where damage and wear are minimal, use MM12 or MM13, both are suited to ‘Links style’ courses, are drought tolerant and have low maintenance requirements.
Adaptability is probably the key attribute here because soil conditions, light and shade, contouring and wear will vary markedly in different areas of the course. Choose low maintenance, drought tolerant
mixtures with creeping varieties where wear levels are low, such as MM12 or MM13. For high divot or
intense wear areas, select ryegrass mixtures such as MM22.