MM Seed to be showcased at GroundsFest

An impressive range of MM grass seed mixtures will be showcased at GroundsFest 2024, and visitors will get the chance to find out how the innovative seed technology could vastly benefit their sports pitches.

Here's a snapshot of just some of the mixtures on display at GroundsFest.


MM50 is perfect for cricket squares, tennis courts and also golf tees and fairways. This hard-wearing mix has rapid germination, extremely fine leaved appearance, high shoot density and is tolerant to very close mowing, as low as 5mm, along with high disease resistance. All these attributes together produce a fantastic sward.


MM60 is a 100% Ryegrass formula and the UK's leading winter sports renovation mixture. It is well-known for its extremely fast germination and its high wear tolerance, fast recovery plus excellent disease resistance.

MM Tetrasport

A Tetraploid based Ryegrass mixture, especially useful for seeding and overseeding of high quality sportsfields to improve sward composition, disease resistance with fast recovery from play and damage. Tetraploid Ryegrasses also provide high drought tolerance along with good colour.

All mixtures in the MM range, are treated with HEADSTART® GOLD - a revolutionary grass seed treatment that ensures rapid, even germination.

PRO Flora Wild Flower & Colour Boost Flower Seed Mixtures

Pro Flora is a range of Native Origin Wildflower Mixtures that can bring colour, biodiversity and interest to any landscape area and also benefit the environment, pollinators and conservation.

Colour Boost is a range of high impact flower mixtures designed to create a dazzling display of colour and interest in many different landscape’s sites and situations.

If you are seeking advice for your natural turf projects - no matter how big or small, then pay a visit to the DLF stand where the MM Sports Seed specialist team will be on hand.

For further information, please contact MM Sports Seed on 01386 791102 or visit the company's website